Today’s challenge was simple: grab some random small thing from around the house (in the trade, this is shortened to: RSTFATH, and pronounced rist-fahth, which sounds pretentious because of that extra “h”, but I digress…), photograph it, and make something beautiful out of it. So, I present to you, the humble nail clipper.
At right is the base image.
While I think this is beautiful, the thing I like best about it is that it isn’t perfectly symmetrical; which means it messes with your head a lot if you look at it too long. I stared at it for 13 minutes and I was immediately struck with the need to watch reruns of The Gilmore Girls, something I can do now, because I am, fortunately, unemployed (I also, as it turns out, just got in a shipment, from Amazon, of commas).
Here is the big Flickr version.
PS, if you turn it upside down, it looks pretty much the same.
Meta: Pentax K-3, 100mm f/2.8 lens @ f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/180th of a second, key light, fill light, 2-image focus stack, and a bit of layering and tweaking in Photoshop (okay, more than a bit)