Okay, this started out as just fooling around in my studio after I became fascinated by a certain dry-cleaning bag (it doesn’t take much these days). This morphed into a massive shoot involving many angles and lighting setups, all of which created the coolest 3-D kind of intergalactic imagery from the bags.
And then I thought to myself (spoiler alert: things get weird about now), “What if I actually WAS a dry-cleaning bag, and one day a man walked by wearing a pair of child-sized purple swimming goggles, pressed his face up against me, and smiled kindly?”
And this led to another flury of photographic creativity, which burned through a number of double-A batteries by the way, and then I opened the files in Photoshop and that was like the biggest can of worms ever because more ideas popped into my head and suddenly there were dozens of layers (30 main layers, plus hoards of adjustment layers and overlays)…well, not suddenly, actually, as this ended up consuming the better part of several afternoons; but I finally ended up with this. And it ain’t done yet, but you might as well see it now, because this has the potential of being tweaked more or less indefinitely.
The working file is over 40 inches square @300dpi, and is over five (5) gigabytes in size. Being unemployed is cool. Here is the big Flickr file (still nowhere near as big as the real things).
Meta: Pentax K-3, Sigma 18–35mm f/1.8 lens at 35mm and f/8, ISO 100, 1/160th of a second, key light, reflectors, and more lighting setups than I care to think about, dozens of images and image fragments composited into a file so big that could barely lift it