Marketing Materials

If it can be printed or uploaded, I can design it

Here are some recent case studies

I created these two public service announcement (PSA) posters for the medical school where I’ve worked almost 20 years. These 24″ x 26″ glossy posters are extremely complex, with many graphic, image, and text elements, all blending together to create a cohesive message. I came up with the overal concepts, wrote all the copy, created every graphic, and put everything together (Special thanks to Ted Walsh for providing the extraordinary watercolors for the tick poster). These were extremely challenging and satisfying projects—and I hope I get to design many more!

At the diminutive end of the spectrum from the gigantic posters is this small graphic I created for my friend and entrepreneur Walt Hampton (“Creating the work & life you LOVE“). Walt gave me  low-res version of the mountain silhouette (bottom), told me he needed something logo-ish for online branding, and said I should go nuts and create something distinctive. Thanks to Photoshop’s wonderful brush options, I gave those mountains some real depth and pathos. I love projects like this because they stretch my mind!

This is a great example of simplicity making the difference. In a book by a business entrepreneur, the author wanted something that resembled a social media icon that focused on the letter “C” (each chapter header began with that letter, so the tie-in was obvous). It took sereral iterations to ge it right, but eventually we ended up with out own “Nike swoosh” (if I may be so bold).

Although it may look like an oddly-sized business card on your phone, this is actually the main graphic for a billboard I created for a local medical clinic that measures 14 by 48 feet.  This was a great design project, using a bunch of stock images and a whole lot of masking and blending! And, since the clinc had lost their original logo file, I had to create the title from scratch. 

This was the primary marketing piece for a medical conference, and the cover is a complex mix of image, graphic, and text elements layered on top of each other—with a nifty little page curl revealing the company logo. Inside, it’s filled with lots of fun and useful graphic goodies meant to both inform and provide a takeway resource. 

See the whole brochure

I design lots of simple digital branding pieces for my main employer for social media banners and other online applications. Since we are a school that teaches wilderness medicine skills, I always try to make images that seem remote and brooding, and perhaps a bit scary. And I love it when I find stock images that show people out in the middle of absolute nowhere—like the climbers that appear inside the letters of the company name.

Here are two more examples of promotional publications that I designed. The first one is a simple tri-fold brochure for a local physical therapy clinic, while the second is a much more extensive, multi-page flyer to promote a new textbook I designed for the medical school I work for. You can view both publications using these PDF links.

See tri-fold brochure

See book promotion

Another great marketing tool is an online flip-book, based on a PDF file that can be a newsletter, catalog, handout, annual report, or anything else you want to to distribute in a clean format that is easy to access and reads like a magazine on any device. These can be as simple or as complex as you want, and can include interactive elements (e.g., links, embedded videos). Here is an example of a short informational piece that I made for the school that I work for.

My friend and co-conspirator in publishing, Ann Sheybani, needed a lead magnet for her consulting business. If you know Ann, they you know that muted colors and flowing script was out—if you look up “bold and motivated” in the dictionary, you get Ann. So, an aggressive red, black, and white palette, and in-your-face graphics and typography ruled the day.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. If you can imagine it, I can design it. From business cards to billboards. On paper or in the cloud. We should talk.

Have a seat and let's talk.

S. Peter Lewis
368 Sweden Rd. Bridgton, ME 04009 | 207-239-4154

© 2020 S. Peter Lewis | All rights reserved | My hearty thanks to SOLO Schools and Tender Corporation for graciously allowing me to use some of the work I have done for them on this site.