About Me

Husband to Karen (1982)
Father to Jeremiah (1984) and Amanda (1992)
Father-in-law to Jennifer (2008), and Eric (2020)
Grandfather to Sophie (2013) and Lexie (2015)
Friends: more than I deserve

I turned 60 in January, 2020. I think of it as more of a re-boot than a chance to simmer down. Onward!

I’m married to my childhood sweetheart, Karen, and we’ve spent the last 21 years living on a 200 year-old farm on the edge of the White Mountains in western Maine. Our two children, Jeremiah and Amanda, grew up here (along with the usual rural menagerie in the barns and fields), and though they went off to get science degrees (engineering, physical therapy), both returned after college (a demonstration of their fine character, commitment to family, and willingness to suffer through nasty things, like January). Jeremiah lives just an hour away with his wife, Jen (the world’s best daughter-in-law), and two adorable granddaughters, Sophie and Lexie (who both appear to run on Red Bull, wearing us out regularly). Way off in the wilderness of Pennsylvania, Amanda lives with her new husband, Eric, while he finishes getting his degree (they’ll be back, Amanda is a northern New England girl to the core).
My creative roots run deep in these old granite hills, and I find inspiration for everywhere I look. For example, the early spring shot below (a composite of about 15 images) was taken as I drove to my office, and I could feel the blast of air as the logging trucks went rumbling by.

Although I am quite preoccupied with taking the images and words in my head (and in my client’s heads) and turning them into stunning finished products, and despite the rather unhealthy amount of screen-time this results in each week, I do occasionally leave my desk. When I do, I love to spend time with my family (church, kayaking, gardening watching the Patriots win, etc.), and as often as I can I go rock climbing, trail running, mountain biking, and fly fishing. I also enjoy working on my old house and cutting my own hair.
My professional goal is simple: keep on creating great things with my cameras, computers, and software until I run out of breath. And I would love to work with you! Please let me know what wonderful ideas you have, and let’s make them real.

Have a seat and let's talk.
S. Peter Lewis
368 Sweden Rd. Bridgton, ME 04009
speterlewis@gmail.com | 207-239-4154

© 2020 S. Peter Lewis | All rights reserved | My hearty thanks to SOLO Schools and Tender Corporation for graciously allowing me to use some of the work I have done for them on this site.