by | May 4, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
This is the time of year when the macro photographers come out of the wookwork like rats leaping from a sinking ship, with their tiny apertures and massive tripods and spray bottles. And boy do they ever love flowers. And the bane of the wildflower macro photog? Wind....
by | May 3, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing, Uncategorized
It’s time to turn studio photography on its head. And with that, I’m announcing the creation of my new workspace… For the last several years, my photography has been edging away from the outdoor and adventure stuff to lifestyle and product...
by | May 2, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing, Story behind the lens
Another chicken embryo container composite. Tricky because in order to get the egg to glow from the inside I had to remove about a nickel-sized chunk of shell from the bottom…without breaking the inner membrane! Took about 20 minutes, with tweezers. Once I had...
by | May 1, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
I’m a big fan of bespoke artist Andy Goldsworthy. His sculptures are weird and whimsical and ephemeral and just about the coolest things ever. He’s a man after my own oddness. His signature gig is to just go out and make something beautiful out of stuff he...
by | Apr 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Last week, I watched a YouTube video by master studio / product photographer Karl Taylor titledĀ One-Light Photography: No More Excuses. Karl is both a master technician and a wonderful teacher, and I’ve learned a lot from him, especially in the last couple of...