by | Apr 24, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
The weirdest thing about this photo is not the rodent tail hanging out of the teacup, but rather something more basic. I’ll give you a hint; when my daughter saw this, she said, “That was obviously shot aboard a ship.” Clever girl. Okay, so...
by | Apr 23, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing, Uncategorized
This is just a standard still life of mustard squirted all over a pair of glasses. Pretty common stuff. The point is to show how just a small change in lighting can make such a difference. The shot on the left was made with a single studio strobe, low and to the left,...
by | Apr 22, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
As a young boy, nothing thrilled me more than rolling over stones and rotting logs to see that amazing life lived beneath them. And the greatest thrill came when I found spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). I thought they were simply magnificent, and I collected...
by | Apr 21, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
Finally! The answer to that age-old question about whether or not the light goes off in your fridge when you close the door. Well, not really, but it’s as close I could get. This was a tricky one. The technically hard part was that I SO wanted to get this in one...
by | Apr 20, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
Our best cat, Sargent Ribs*, died earlier this year and I buried him out by the edge of the treeline. He was a cat of many names, including The Wild Baby Snuffle Dragon, The Woobner (Woobs), His Lordship Chuffington Stench, etc., and he also had compromised bowels and...