by | Mar 22, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
For some reason, today’s shot was hard. I picked a bunch of lovely old sunflowers from out in the yard. All sorts of dried out and picked apart by birds. And I tried a bunch of them but nothing worked. Desperate (perhaps an overstatement), I finally just picked...
by | Mar 21, 2020 | Photography, Social Distancing
This is just an old bucket that I found out in the barn years ago. According to the label, it originally held white lead. Soon it will likely just hold a potted plant. I think it has loads of character, and may have mouse turds in the bottom. Which I will leave for...
by | Mar 20, 2020 | Social Distancing
Today begins a grand experiment. I just lost my job due to the Coronavirus, and have joined the growing and scary (perhaps scared) ranks of the unemployed. I am grateful to my employer and glad that they expect to hire us all back in a few weeks (although that may be...