Our best cat, Sargent Ribs*, died earlier this year and I buried him out by the edge of the treeline. He was a cat of many names, including The Wild Baby Snuffle Dragon, The Woobner (Woobs), His Lordship Chuffington Stench, etc., and he also had compromised bowels and an upset tummy in his final days (okay, years). We would often find, well, stuff all over the place when we came down in the mornings, some which we began affectionately calling “Thunder Buttons.” Anyway, I digress.
Being a frugal Mainer, I just couldn’t bring myself to toss away the matched pair of litter box scoops that we had for him, so I turned them into a kind of redneck wind chime. I haven’t told my wife yet, and am wondering how long it will take her to notice.
* So named because when we first found him, as a stray rooting around in our November garbage, he weighed about three pounds and was nothing but bones. He had also served in the military, as it turns out.
Here it the Flickr version.
Meta: Pentax K-3, 100mm f/2.8 macro at f/8, ISO 800 (to add a certain level of grit), 1/250th of a second, natural light